Another great post Professor Farrow. Where are the other professors in Canada? "The Church is inscribed for ever in the history of our Nation, keeping careful watch over the destiny of her children, especially in times of humiliation, war, persecution or loss of independence." Those comforting, faithful and powerful words were spoken by John Paul II, in 1997, in Poland, where the International Eucharistic Congress took place. In his address at Czestochowa, in reference to Our Lady of Jasna Gora, the Pope said:

"Jasna Góra is the place where our Nation down the centuries has come together to bear witness to its faith and to its attachment to the community of the Church of Christ. Many times we used to come here, asking Mary for help in the struggle to preserve fidelity to God, the Cross, the Gospel, the Holy Church and her Shepherds. Here we accepted the duties of the Christian life. At the feet of Our Lady of Jasna Góra we found the strength to remain faithful to the Church, when she was persecuted, when she had to keep silent and suffer. We always said 'yes' to the Church, and this Christian attitude has been a great act of love for her. For the Church is our spiritual mother. It is thanks to her that 'we should be called children of God; and so we are'. The Church is inscribed for ever in the history of our Nation, keeping careful watch over the destiny of her children, especially in times of humiliation, war, persecution or loss of independence."

And for believers all of human history on the planet is inscribed by the Word. Isn't the Church's mission to evangelize and "watch over the destiny of her children, especially in times of humiliation, war, persecution or loss of independence" anywhere in the world? So, why has the Church chosen to abandon the faithful during this "pandemic" and put Caesar's demands first? Temporal matters should not control the spiritual. Why deputize parishes to have believers do the dirty work of Caesar, checking for vaccination passes and thus segregate parishioners?

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Bishops, including the bishop of Rome, who have abandoned the faithful to this deception have done so because they themselves, to one degree or another, have succumbed to the deluding influence of which Paul spoke.

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Spot on, Douglas. Keep speaking truth, because it has become rare in these days. Robert

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Great piece as usual. Thank you Doug!! I have been astonished at the Pope's collusion in the vaccine mandates from day one. Could not believe it . . . Jens.

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Excellent, Dr. Farrow. I think you would appreciate my efforts, very similar to yours in content and urgency and moral disgust: https://thaddeuskozinski.substack.com/p/a-pandemic-of-disobedience-revised?r=jl12o&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I feel your moral pain, Tad, and the disgust; but quite honestly the greatest of evils in history was deicide - and as you know Christ used it to trample death by death. Since He could do that then, He certainly will prevail now. The TRUTH (which is Him) will make you free.

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posted on f/b. Thank you and I wish/pray this post could be an insert in every church bulletin. God love you..bea.afriend

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I did receive one of "those" letters from the CBC regarding GiveSendGo. Because of the "emergency" act I have transferred my funds out of my bank account as I fully expect the government to freeze my account. Thank you for your post Mr. Farrow, this old doll has been on the Hill for 20 days now and I will continue.

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Wonderful. Thank you.

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Why can't people such as Douglas Farrow become the Prime Minister or be listened to by our Bishops and priests?

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It is high time for more voices than mine to go into ink writing to the papal nuncio in Canada for a papal correction specifically of the Quebec bishops, who have as one assembly stood by and acceded to this fascistic state which dared to excommunicate from churches (within the boundaries of this that calls itself now a secular state - and no lie there) the unvaccinated or the vaccinated with newly wakened consciences who have no 'passport' as full-fledged experimental subjects of designer medicine. I have not come out (yet) decrying the pope, since this will be his opportunity to correct and egregious pastoral error, breach of canon law, and travesty against the inner sanctum of conscience.

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I’m reminded of John Masefield’s...

A Consecration

NOT of the princes and prelates with periwigged charioteers

Riding triumphantly laurelled to lap the fat of the years,—

Rather the scorned—the rejected—the men hemmed in with the spears;

The men of the tattered battalion which fights till it dies,

Dazed with the dust of the battle, the din and the cries. 5

The men with the broken heads and the blood running into their eyes.

Not the be-medalled Commander, beloved of the throne,

Riding cock-horse to parade when the bugles are blown,

But the lads who carried the koppie and cannot be known.

Not the ruler for me, but the ranker, the tramp of the "road, 10

The slave with the sack on his shoulders pricked on with the goad,

The man with too weighty a burden, too weary a load.

The sailor, the stoker of steamers, the man with the clout,

The chantyman bent at the halliards putting a tune to the shout,

The drowsy man at the wheel and the tired look-out. 15

Others may sing of the wine and the wealth and the mirth,

The portly presence of potentates goodly in girth;—

Mine be the dirt and the dross, the dust and scum of the earth!

Theirs be the music, the colour, the glory, the gold;

Mine be a handful of ashes, a mouthful of mould. 20

Of the maimed, of the halt and the blind in the rain and the cold—

Of these shall my songs be fashioned, my tales be told.


Thank you, Douglas.

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And thank you for this, Laurent.

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