It is high time for more voices than mine to go into ink writing to the papal nuncio in Canada for a papal correction specifically of the Quebec bishops, who have as one assembly stood by and acceded to this fascistic state which dared to excommunicate from churches (within the boundaries of this that calls itself now a secular state - a…
It is high time for more voices than mine to go into ink writing to the papal nuncio in Canada for a papal correction specifically of the Quebec bishops, who have as one assembly stood by and acceded to this fascistic state which dared to excommunicate from churches (within the boundaries of this that calls itself now a secular state - and no lie there) the unvaccinated or the vaccinated with newly wakened consciences who have no 'passport' as full-fledged experimental subjects of designer medicine. I have not come out (yet) decrying the pope, since this will be his opportunity to correct and egregious pastoral error, breach of canon law, and travesty against the inner sanctum of conscience.
It is high time for more voices than mine to go into ink writing to the papal nuncio in Canada for a papal correction specifically of the Quebec bishops, who have as one assembly stood by and acceded to this fascistic state which dared to excommunicate from churches (within the boundaries of this that calls itself now a secular state - and no lie there) the unvaccinated or the vaccinated with newly wakened consciences who have no 'passport' as full-fledged experimental subjects of designer medicine. I have not come out (yet) decrying the pope, since this will be his opportunity to correct and egregious pastoral error, breach of canon law, and travesty against the inner sanctum of conscience.