In fact it is an all-out war on the fundamental human right to an un-coerced conscience. It began at least as far back as the ruling by colleges of physicians against doctors seeking conscience exemptions from being party to life-ending actions. It is escalating with schools, churches and social action groups who will not sign attestations in favour of every novel perversion of natural law. You are right that we are bound for compliance credit or tax 'relief' .. and this is the sign that we are now under a fascist rule. I pray that the bishops wake up to this (at present, many are on the side of mandates).

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Fucken-A truckers. They're accomplishing more than any cowardly judge, court, fancy 'constitutional' lawyer, useless academic, quack physician, hack politician, dimwitted cop, 'j-class' hack, and whoever else that enforced these wholly illegal (I don't give a rat's ass about the details of the law - either you have a CHARTER and Bill of Rights that protects our inalienable rights or you don't. These were effen DECREES and should never have been taken as law) and unethical measures ever could or will. Useful idiots one and all. It took good old blue collar muscle and courage to do something. Must drive the parasitical elites nuts. And for that I'm eternally grateful. I support them and give the bastards hell.

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This is so beautifully written - thank you. My husband is a Canadian citizen and I am United States citizen. We have a home in Canada and his family is here, but I have been remiss to apply for permanent residency due to the public's seemingly endless tolerance for government mandates and control (and, yes, I am fully vaccinated). But this past week has changed my mind. I have repeatedly found myself bawling at the sight of the people standing along the roads in the freezing cold cheering on the truckers, holding their Canadian flags, and handing bags of food to the truckers as they roll by. Freedom is alive and well in the hearts of so many Canadians, and I have absolutely fallen in love.

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Excellent post. I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you being that voice of reason and truth. Perhaps truckers will be the ones to save freedom and democracy in Canada. I support them and hope they succeed because it will be a win for all Canadians. “Let’s go Castro.”

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For those of you still not convinced that Mr. Farrow is outlining the truth of our present trajectory, allow me to offer some substantiating evidence in support of his claims:

Exploring Biodigital Convergence Policy Horizons Canada | Horizons de politiques February 11, 2020


From the report's Forward:

"In the coming years, biodigital technologies could be woven into our lives in the way that digital technologies are now. Biological and digital systems are converging, and could change the way we work, live, and even evolve as a species. More than a technological change, this biodigital convergence may transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human or natural.

Biodigital convergence may profoundly impact our economy, our ecosystems, and our society. Being prepared to support it, while managing its risks with care and sensitivity, will shape the way we navigate social and ethical considerations, as well as guide policy and governance conversations.

Guided by its mandate, Policy Horizons Canada (Policy Horizons) intends to start an informed and meaningful dialogue about plausible futures for biodigital convergence and the policy questions that may arise. In this initial paper, we define and explore biodigital convergence – why it is important to explore now, its characteristics, what new capabilities could arise from it, and some initial policy implications. We want to engage with a broad spectrum of partners and stakeholders on what our biodigital future might look like, how this convergence might affect sectors and industries, and how our relationships with technology, nature, and even life itself could evolve.

We welcome your comments and participation, and look forward to diving more deeply into the questions raised in this paper."

If this does not chill one to the marrow of one's bones, then one is no longer quite alive and the evisceration of the living soul has already been accomplished.

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How right and good you are to suggest peaceful truth. May it be enough.

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