This is the first call to repentance that this Reformed Christian has heard from a theologian. Thank you, sir. The gates of hell will not prevail against the beautiful Bride of Christ, but she does seemed very tattered at present. I’m praying that the Holy Spirit will ‘suddenly come to His temple’ and so fill the hearts of all the faithful that God’s truth will move across the world in ways we have not yet witnessed.

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One of the hardest aspects of the "pandemic" for me as a devout Catholic was the Church's failure to take a leading role in questioning the narrative. The Church has a global abundance of devout researchers, physicians and theologians, and there was never an attempt to bring this vast resource together to address the situation. My physician husband spoke up in smaller Catholic circles but received no support from our local Bishop, who instead said "We are following the CDC guidelines." Since when did the Church take directives from the CDC? I cannot get into the heart and mind of the Pope - was he "worm tongued" by Fauci? Even after the world finally became aware that the vaccine did not stop transmission (systemically given respiratory vaccines never do - a known fact pre-covid) the Pope continued to urge vaccination for the sake of others.

What a lost opportunity to fight the globalist! What if the Church said, "NO. We will not close down, we will not support mandates. Our own experts tell us that such mRNA vaccines in the past have failed, that such vaccines do not stop transmission, that natural immunity is always more robust than a vaccine."

Rather than realizing this failure and working to prevent such a fiasco again, what do we hear from the Vatican? Nothing - no apology, no recognition it was part of the problem, part of something evil. If the present evil is to be subjugated, only a holy, world wide institution like the Church can do it.

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From the beginning of the plannedemic, the warning in Revelations kept coming to my mind and thankfully, I refused to accept what I believed to be the number of the beast - the covid vaccine. I was stunned at how many churches were participating in totalitarian practices such as tracking, masking, and encouraging people take experimental vaccines. I truly felt my faith was being tested and I needed guidance. I prayed and was blessed to find a church leader in my community who not only saw the truth, but also tried to help the blind to see. Sadly, this leader was taken home by 'aggressive cancer'. I thank God I was able to meet him and to learn from him. There is a lot to pray for these days, but mostly, I pray that more people will see the truth before it is too late.

Thanks for writing this very important essay!

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Douglas Farrow

Wonderful piece Douglas , I read and felt uplifted and reinforced. Truly you have touched the core of our misguided detachment from God and our own spirit. We will turn this usurpation around and let the light back in.

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I was sent here from Aaron Kheriaty’s substack and read this entire essay with great appreciation and more than one “Amen!” Will be sharing this widely. Thank you for your faith, study, love, and courage. Let God be true, though every man were a liar.

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023Author

As Aaron Kheriaty is saying in The New Abnormal, and I in 'America's War', so Jacob Siegel in the Tablet: "Something monstrous is taking shape in America... What is coming into being is a new form of government and social organization that is as different from mid-twentieth century liberal democracy as the early American republic was from the British monarchism that it grew out of and eventually supplanted. A state organized on the principle that it exists to protect the sovereign rights of individuals, is being replaced by a digital leviathan that wields power through opaque algorithms and the manipulation of digital swarms." Read Siegel's article at https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/guide-understanding-hoax-century-thirteen-ways-looking-disinformation.

Smart cities also have something to do with this. Here's another interview on that subject, this one with Garnett Genuis, MP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2po_92bNHh0. (Unlike the Iron Will interview that is linked in the present article, it is audio only.) See also 'Public Poverty, Private Wealth' here on DBC.

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Godspeed to the Douglas Farrows of the world. Christ's bride, His Chuch on earth, took a hit these past three years. It's time to dust off the secularism that tainted Christians and put on Christ's shining armor and fight the advances made by the godless, transhumanist totalitarians recently. Our first task is to admit our mistakes--sins, I dare say--and make a firm commitment to fully embrace our biblical basics and invite the Holy Spirir back into out worship services. I've sent your piece to a member or two of our ministerial staff. It was wonderful. Thank you, Douglas Farrow.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Yes, we must engage in civil disobedience. We must refuse to obey government orders that contradict divine law or natural law. We must repent and take seriously the call to endure the persecution and tribulation that comes with being a Christian. We must strive to build local churches where real discipleship and maturity is taking place, one which displays the love of the brethren for each other, which will grow the numbers of the church and be salt and light in society. I would add that we must take an axe to government and restore a bare-bones Romans 13 view of the role of government: to protect the nation from foreign invaders and to deter the criminal element at home. Any government involvement in meeting the economic needs of the people for healthcare, retirement, education, foreign aid, etc., must be phased out quickly. God gave the Israelites at Mt. Sinai a system of laws to deter bad behavior; there was no provision for government involvement in the economy. God counseled the people through Samuel not to seek a King, who would deviate from this model of the rule of law and rule for his own benefit. Jesus also drew the distinction between rendering to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. The need for a social safety net will always exist - the poor will always be with us, Jesus said. But God's model for this is private acts of charity, as in the landowner leaving the edges of his field unharvested for the gleaners, for the good Samaritan to pay for the injured man's recovery out of his own pocket, because God loves a cheerful giver, not a system of forced tax payments to a corrupt bureaucracy. We must also resist the temptation to view ourselves as unfortunate victims of evil people or the Devil. We are not victims, we are culprits. God has Satan on a leash. He only lets the leash go out a bit farther when His people need chastening because they have forgotten Him or no longer fear Him. The Sermon on the Mount holds the key: "... your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things [food, clothing, shelter, security, safety, etc.]. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." We spend way too much time coming up with human strategies for reversing the technocracy being imposed on us, which are useless unless accompanied by repentance, faith, and obedience to God. We spend way too little time seeking the Lord and being changed from glory to glory.

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Reminds me of The Tower of Babel,

The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices - to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all its own.

Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man, that state is obsolete.

Secularism, is probably the most controversial. Who needs God and religion? Carl Jung, the eminent Swiss psychiatrist and father of Depth Psychology, said:

The idea of an all-powerful divine Being is present everywhere, unconsciously if not consciously, because it is an archetype. There is in the psyche some superior power, and if it is not consciously a god, it is the "belly" at least, in St. Paul's words. I therefore consider it wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously, for, if we do not, something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid such as only an "enlightened" intellect could hatch forth.

That’s about as secular a way to put it as you can get. You don’t have to see it that way though, but if you are a die-hard atheist, or someone who simply gives no credence to a “higher power,” Jung’s advice should be well considered. What is happening now in our culture is a clear example of Jung’s last words in this quote: it is wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously, or else something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid…” Uh…yeah…isn’t that what I have been saying for two years now?

If a people do not accept the Creator as Sovereign, as their Supreme Ruler, as their Source of Rights, they must, perforce, locate sovereignty in some mortal man or in some man-made institution.

Logically, it has to be one or the other. If they locate sovereignty in government - a man-made institution - they have created an authoritarianism they must live with until they revoke it.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023Author

From the CHD: “'The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic was the U.S. government.' Those words, uttered by Dr. Marty Makary in his testimony before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, should strike fear in the heart of every American."

I would say, rather, that they should strike righteous anger. Particularly in light of the damage done: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-vaccine-injury-deaths-economic-damage/.

Anger and also self-examination, for unlike the CHD (and unlike these folk, e.g.: https://davidzweig.substack.com/p/when-a-renegade-church-and-a-zealous) most Americans remained passive recipients of the lies and quite willing to tolerate the lunacy.

I see, by the way, that SPR (referencing Aaron Kheriaty) has attempted a summary of the latter: https://swprs.org/the-lockdown-lunacy-in-retrospect/. SPR has stopped short, however, of reckoning directly either with Kheriaty's thesis or with that of "America's War" here at DBC.

Listen to our discussion of the role of the churches in all this at: https://abiblicalframe.substack.com/

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Thank you. I watched with dismay as Anthony Fauci was invited to speak and was revered as a conquering hero at a notable Episcopal Church in Washington DC last week.

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Good discussion. Appalling the number of those claiming to be good people or Christians are instead complicit in this totalitarianism. And yet they are all instead convinced they are the chosen ones.

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Bergoglio insisted that the shot was an act of love and that those opposing the masks were selfish hypocrites and haters of their neighbor, and he shows no signs of repentance. How many Catholics died because of his words?

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Amen! Thank you for this brave and enlightening essay, which I will share enthusiastically.

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Complicit, yes. Civil, why of course. Disobedient? Well, maybe it's time.

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Here is my effort at scamDemic unmasking over the last three years: https://thaddeuskozinski.substack.com/

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