Fascinating! Thank you.

At 32:26, Yogyakarta Principle 21: "These rights may not be invoked" etc. -- If 'rights' *may not be invoked* then are they rights, actually? It seems deep down in the Yogyakarta thinking you have a principle *corrosive of* the idea of rights. It occurred to me that later on (and this strikes me as very insightful) when you interpret 'gender' in terms of a 'right of fiat' (mathematically that reduces instantly to 'fiat!') you may be onto the worm in question.

"Private education without compromise, for a free citizenry" (56:04). How do we move toward this?

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I agree the word gender is an attack on Catholic teaching regarding the family, marriage and human sexuality. Here's my view of gender and transgenderism, https://everydayforlifecanada.blogspot.com/2022/03/transexualism-101.html

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Douglas, would it be possible to include a link to a downloadable file version of this important talk, for those of us, for better or worse, stranded in the rural hinterlands of poor internet access? I would love to listen to it in its entirety and to offer commentary. Thank you.

Meanwhile, if you do not know of Jennifer Bilek's work (perhaps you do) on these issues at The 11th Hour Blog, I heartily endorse perusing her work. Link follows:


also, recommended reading from March1:

Huxley's Brave New World Is Here : How should Christians respond in these dark and distressing times?


There is no question that the essence of what it means to be human is being sliced, diced, fragmented and reduced on a number of fronts. It is a multi-pronged offensive functioning as an on-ramp to a demonic ideology of misguided transhumanism. It will not ultimately succeed, because it is anathema to the force of life itself; to the given; to Creation. It will however leave much pain and imiseration in its wake.

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Thanks so much for this. I was there live when it was presented. I have been looking online for this to share with some friends.

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