God bless you, Professor Farrow. All we can do is continue fighting the good fight. I have stopped giving $$ to my Cardinal Archbishop and will not do so until he grows a pair.

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Ol' touchy-kissy is moving up! Maybe he'll write a "theology of the lips," or better, make kissing an indulgenced act.

Re doing nothing: what should we laity do? I'll tell you what my wife and I did 30 years ago. We stopped going to parishes, found the Latin Mass (in the Church) and a traditional school for our soon-to-arrive children. Not a dime for the hierarchy, not a dime for any parish.

Why do folks keep putting $$ in the basket? We've been wondering for 30 years. The bishops gaslight us that the queer problems are solved. They lie. When the pope obfuscates, he is a liar: Let your yes be yes. Will he wake up when the vax die-off accelerates? Will he consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?

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Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, Pope Francis’ newly appointed head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), has hit back at criticisms of his 1995 book and erotic work on kissing.The book titled:”Heal me with your mouth:The art of kissing “ is apparently still available online. What less can you expect from a Pope who is aligned with the woke anti family anti religious gender ideology of the WEF and the UN.

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Homosex priest is an oxymoron. Says ratzinger and reason. He cannot pastor marriage, for one thing. It is like allowing a blind man to drive a car.

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