While I was publishing this, something germane appeared at the Epoch Times, underscoring the point that what goes around comes around, so to say, where the virus called Greed has taken hold: “'We believe there is an unholy conflict of interest inherent at NIH,' he said. 'Consider the fact that each year, NIH doles out $32 billion in grants to approximately 56,000 grantees. Now we know that over an 11-year period, there is going to be approximately $350 million flowing the other way from third-party payers, many of which receive NIH grants, and those payments are flowing back to NIH scientists and leadership.'” Here's the link: https://www.theepochtimes.com/non-profit-watchdog-uncovers-350-million-in-secret-payments-to-fauci-collins-others-at-nih_4454636.html. For my own remarks on Francis Collins, see Anarchy from Above, III.

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And here's another kind of circulation: an honourary doctorate for Moderna's Afeyan: https://reporter.mcgill.ca/spring-convocation-honorary-doctorate-recipients-announced/

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I also read about this. The level of corruption is unbelievable.

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They do the same thing with foreign aid and some domestic charities--especially the Democrats to Planned Parenthood. PP donates back to recycle the tax dollars for things most people would never donate to. I've seen some investigations into foreign aid that suggest this also comes back in kickbacks to the politicians who authorize it. The more I see where our tax dollars go, the more I believe the consent of the governed is of no concern to some people.

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I see that Mr Jarry has attacked Mr Kirsch: https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/critical-thinking/steve-kirsch-and-seduction-simplicity. One suggestion he makes is that Kirsch's motives are financial. Well, that's simplicity itself, isn't it? Odd then that McGill's own financial motives are not discussed. Nor are the mounting waves of evidence that something is seriously wrong. See here, e.g.: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/germans-severely-injured-covid-vaccines/. Or here: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/328529. Or here: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/demystifying-the-swedish-data?s=w. Or here: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-death-rates-are-soaring-again?s=r. Dismissing critics as "anti-vaxxers", while refusing to acknowledge or address the real issues, is a low journalistic ploy unworthy of the office founded by Prof. Harpp. (It's even tried in court, but usually without success: https://www.theepochtimes.com/travel-vax-mandate-lawsuit-canadian-court-dismisses-feds-motion-to-remove-challengers-supporting-documents_4501367.html.) Perhaps Mr Jarry should hold his nose and offer to join Naomi Wolf's team, which is examining the Pfizer papers: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dear-friends-sorry-to-announce-a?s=r. Then at least he would have something substantive to work with, rather than putting on airs.

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In the U.K., Sir Charles Chope, MP, writes: "After a barren year, there is now some positive news to report. The Minister for Vaccines and Public Health, Maggie Throup, has confirmed that external assessors will begin assessing claims next week, on May 16th. They are contracted to assess 1,800 claims in the first year. It is worth comparing the scale of this with the situation pre-Covid, when only 80 vaccine claims were being made each year… The assumption must be that the policy of non-engagement on this issue was deliberate. Public health officials are keen to avoid scrutiny about the fact that the vaccines are not 100% safe. The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has received more than 450,000 suspected adverse reaction reports under its Yellow Card scheme, with the first report dating back to December 9th 2020." This is the situation in which McGill is entangling itself, as if nothing were amiss. Read the rest here: https://www.conservativehome.com/platform/2022/05/christopher-chope-harm-from-covid-vaccinations-dont-leave-victims-behind.html. Have a look at this as well: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/vaccine-induced-mortality-part-8?s=r. If the fatality rate proves to be anything remotely like that, what has the university already done to its own?

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Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


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How do we change it? Most of the public believe the narrative. Big wealth is tied up in the scam. Big wealth have the power and far reaching influence. This is all so depressing.

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This article should be front page news. But it’s not. It explains why we no longer trust any institution in our society, from government to the courts, the police, the public health system, education and medicine. And, of course our totally corrupt, legacy media.

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Thanks for showing us these things which are important but otherwise would not be laid out so plainly.

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Here's something else important, but not so plainly laid out by McGIll News: "Behind the mRNA vaccine’s stunningly successful debut lie decades of research." https://mcgillnews.mcgill.ca/s/1762/news/interior.aspx?sid=1762&gid=2&pgid=2427.

We knew something about the research, of course, and it's good to know more. But "stunningly successful debut"? Doesn't that deserve some explication?

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McGill lost total and complete credibility during the pandemic. The implementation of unscientific and divisive protocols and the promotion of clear vaxxine “nudging” was and is beyond the pale. Institutional capture is nearly complete at McGill.

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I'm inclined to agree. This kind of institutional capture is possible, of course, only because of a prior regulatory capture, the extent of which covid has exposed to view. When regulatory agencies are corrupted, room is created both for what Malone characterizes as willful ignorance (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/when-is-mrna-not-really-mrna?) and even for what can only be characterized as malicious. McGill's actions doubtless fall primarily into the former category, but the boundary between the two is highly permeable and both are morally reprehensible.

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Thanks Douglas for the great article. As Johnny below said, it explains a lot. While I agree that Moderna stock is way down, Canada is still way too crazy. Our leaders have imbibed of the WEF kool-aid and they're not sobering up any too quickly.

It also explains the recent paper by David Fisman (U of T) in CMAJ that continues the deception that the unvaxxed are a danger to the vaxxed. Fortunately, the comments to his paper are all critical and point out serious flaws.

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I think Fisman stars in the video linked above at "hint"...

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Now that's funny! Great vidoe btw.

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That explains why the McDerna gang pushed the vaccines so hard.

Anyway, the markets have signalled they're not into MRNA. The stock is off over 70% from its highs. It's a one-trick pony and institutional investors are slowly coming around to that. Johnson & Johnson pulled out of it altogether citing sluggish future sales. Moreover, Moderna is a creature of the U.S. spook-state via DARA and NIH (with whom they share a partnership with Topol's Scripps Research which gets NIH funding). It's all one happy vaccine gulag family. Methinks Frick and Frack drank a tad too much of that vaccine Kool-aid.

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